Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The 12 days of Promotional Products (Christmas)

Ahh...the beautiful sight of snow falling outside, drinking a little hot cocoa with little marshmallows floating on top, a fire in the fireplace. All this can mean only one thing: The holidays and the music that goes along with it. One of my personal favorite songs has always been the 12 days of Christmas. With that in mind, please enjoy a new take on the 12 days of Christmas staring promotional products.

On the twelfth day of a Promotional Product Christmas, my true love gave to me...
12 Pens for writing
11 USB Flash Drives
10 Coffee tumblers
 9 Micro-fleece jackets
 8 Funky keychains
 7 Journal Notebooks
 6 Titleist Golf Ball
 5 Tumi Bags
 4 Ogio Backpacks
 3 Camelbak Water Bottles
 2 Apple iPads
 And a Built New York iPad Sleeve

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa, may your tree not lose it needles, may your latkas (potato pancakes) stay extra crisp, may your candles burn extra long and most importantly, may you and your family enjoy the best of times and a prosperous 2012.