Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Original Data Collector

You know that thing? That thing that everyone used to write down their important events on. Birthdays, doctor's appointments, business meetings, kid's sporting events, and your anniversary. It's called a Calendar - and it is still just as vital today as it was before the smartphone came into existence.

Here are some great statistics from Counselor Magazine regarding promotional calendars:
  • 82% of consumers say they can identify the advertiser on a calendar they received
  • 91% of consumers keep calendars because they're useful
  • $0.003 is the cost-per-impression of a promotional calendar. The same CPI yielded by an internet display ad.
  • 1,984 lifetime number of impressions of a promotional calendar
Do you know what else is cool about calendars, they come in all shapes and sizes:

Tasty Side Note: Looking for more calendar ideas or options, please stop by www.lgipromotions.espwebsite.com and type in Calendars in the search box.